Extreme Mod on

[FuN] 4 Gamers CoD:World at War server - Runs a mix of maps and gametypes

Moderators: [FuN] Users, Senior Moderators

Extreme Mod on

Postby Cpt.Miller » Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:54 pm

As topic says, the Extreme mod is on the server, its just got mostly default settings that i will post below so that you all can take a look through and say if you think some setting needs changing.

Please note that anything after the "//" is ignored, if the "//" are before a command that means the default command is being used.

Main Server config

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// Public Information
set sv_hostname "^4[^7FuN^4]^34^1G^2amers^1 "
sets _Admin "Clan Members"
sets _Email "See Forums"
sets _Website "http://www.ClanFun.co.uk"
sets _Location "United Kingdom"
sets _Mod "X5v1.0 ServerSide"
sets _ModVer "v1.0_SS"
sets _ModUpdate "Nov08"
sets _Maps "COD5 Custom"
set scr_motd "Shoot To Kill....Really!!"
set sv_keywords "FuN fun Gamers"

// PunkBuster Settings
seta sv_punkbuster "1"

// Server Network Mode
set dedicated "2"              // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet

// Common Server Settings
// Log Settings
set g_logsync "2"         // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append
set logfile "1"           // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled
set g_log "games_mp.log"  // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log
set sv_log_damage "1"

// Network options
//set net_ip ""         // Set your servers IP address
//set net_port "28959"         // Set your port number
//set com_hunkMegs "512"
//set net_noipx "1"              // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications

// Master servers
set sv_master1 "cod5master.activision.com"
set sv_gamespy "1"

// Password Settings
set rcon_password "yeh like i would leave them here"   // RCON must supply pw to use
set sv_privatePassword "yeh like i would leave them here"      // Private slots, non-public slots

// The following can be used to lock out the server so that only those
// players that have been provide the password can connect.  Good for
// matches, practices, etc.
set g_password ""

// Player slots setup
set sv_maxclients "32"         // MAX server player slots, this is TOTAL player slots
//+set ui_maxclients "64" In your commandline for slots over 32
set sv_privateclients "4"       // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots

// Ping
set sv_minPing "0"             // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and player isnt allowed to connect
set sv_maxping "400"           // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher and player isnt allowed to connect

// Client Download Settings. (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps
// See included Quick Setup Guide for instructions.
set sv_allowdownload "1"
seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"

// Rate
set sv_maxRate "25000"

// FPS
//set sv_fps "20"

// Drop inactive players
set sv_timeout "1800"
set sv_zombietime "1"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_inactivityspectator "0"
set sv_reconnectlimit "3"

// Anti Cheat Settings
//set sv_disableClientConsole "1" // Doesn't work
set ex_disableclientconsole "1" // Works
//set cl_autocmd "0"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_pure "1"
set g_banIPs ""
//set g_no_script_spam "1"

// Temporary Ban duration, in seconds
set sv_kickBanTime "900"

// Voting
set g_allowVote "1"
set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
set g_oldVoting "1"

// Team balancing
set scr_teambalance "1"

// In-game voice communication system
set sv_voice "0"
set sv_voiceQuality "1"
set voice_deadChat "1"
set g_deadChat "1"
set voice_global "0"
set voice_localEcho "0"

// Misc
set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
set g_antilag "0"
set g_smoothClients "1"
set scr_drawfriend "1"
//set scr_player_forcerespawn "1"
set scr_game_allowkillcam "0"
// Announcer
set scr_allowannouncer "1"

// Friendly Fire?
set scr_team_fftype "0"

// Red Crosshairs while over enemy? Maybe?
set g_redCrosshairs "1"

// Who dead people can spectate
set scr_game_spectatetype "1"

// Gravity
set g_gravity "800"

// Base Move Speed
set g_speed "190"

// Client Side Stuff
set sv_clientside "0"
set sv_clientArchive "1"
set sv_clientSideBullets "1"
set sv_clientSideVehicles "1"
set g_client_side_lights "1"

// HUD and Environmental Stuff
set scr_enable_music "1"
set scr_enable_scoretext "1"
set scr_fog_disable "0"

// Server Timers
set scr_game_graceperiod "15"
set scr_intermission_time "30"
set scr_team_respawntime "0"

// developer mode
//set developer "0"
//set developer_script "0"

// test bots (can crash the server on next map!)
//set scr_testclients "5"
//set sv_botsPressAttackBtn "1"
//set sv_botsRandomInput "1"

// freeze the bots to the ground?, easier when testing!
//set scr_botfreeze "1"

//set ex_bodysink "1"

// Init & Exec CFG Files
exec config/gcops.cfg
exec config/ambientfx.cfg
exec config/clancontrol.cfg
exec config/redirect.cfg
exec config/monitoring.cfg
exec config/playercontrol.cfg
exec config/healthcontrol.cfg
exec config/messages.cfg
exec config/miscfeatures.cfg
exec config/security.cfg
exec config/scrncontrol.cfg
exec config/weaponcontrol.cfg
exec config/wmdcontrol.cfg
exec config/gametypes.cfg
exec config/mapcontrol.cfg
exec config/troptions.cfg
exec config/maprotation.cfg


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set scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_koth_numlives "0"
set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_koth_roundlimit "1"
set scr_koth_roundswitch "1"
set scr_koth_scorelimit "250"
set scr_koth_timelimit "30"
set scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0"
set koth_autodestroytime "60"
set koth_capturetime "20"
set koth_delayPlayer "0"
set koth_destroytime "10"
set koth_kothmode "0"
set koth_spawnDelay "60"
set koth_spawntime "0"

// CTF
set scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible "0"
set scr_ctf_flagrespawntime "0"
set scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime "30"
set scr_ctf_numlives "0"
set scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_ctf_roundlimit "5"
set scr_ctf_roundswitch "1"
set scr_ctf_scorelimit "3"
set scr_ctf_timelimit 30"
set scr_ctf_touchreturn "1"
set scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "15"

// DM
set scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability "100"
set scr_dm_numlives "0"
set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_dm_roundlimit "1"
set scr_dm_scorelimit "1500"
set scr_dm_timelimit "30"
set scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0"

// DOM
set scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_dom_numlives "0"
set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_dom_roundlimit "1"
set scr_dom_scorelimit "200"
set scr_dom_timelimit "0"
set scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0"

set scr_twar_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_twar_numlives "0"
set scr_twar_roundlimit "2"
set scr_twar_roundswitch "1"
set scr_twar_scorelimit "5"
set scr_twar_timelimit "10"
set twar_captureAccelBonus "35"
set twar_captureAccelLimit "50"
set twar_captureTime "40"
set twar_finalFightFlagRespawnPenalty "3"
set twar_finalFightTimeLimit "5"
set twar_momentumArtillery "10"
set twar_momentumBlitzkriegTime "30"
set twar_momentumDogs "10"
set twar_momentumEnabled "1"
set twar_momentumFlagCap "25"
set twar_momentumKamikaze "10"
set twar_momentumKillPlayer "5"
set twar_momentumMax "70"
set twar_momentumMaxMultiplier "3"
set twar_momentumMultiplierBonus "25"
set twar_momentumMultiplierBonusLimit "75"
set twar_momentumRadar "10"
set twar_neutralFlagLockTime "0"
set twar_secondaryInfluencerBonus "0.5"
set twar_showEnemyCount "1"
set twar_spawnPointFacingAngle "60"

// TDM
set scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_tdm_numlives "0"
set scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_tdm_roundlimit "1"
set scr_tdm_scorelimit "0"
set scr_tdm_timelimit "30"
set scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0"

//tdm based xp points
set scr_tdm_score_kill "5000"
set scr_tdm_score_headshot "9000"
set scr_tdm_score_assist_75 "8"
set scr_tdm_score_assist_50 "6"
set scr_tdm_score_assist_25 "4"
set scr_tdm_score_assist "2"
set scr_tdm_score_suicide "0"
set scr_tdm_score_teamkill "0"
set scr_tdm_score_dogkill "3"
set scr_tdm_score_dogassist "1"
set scr_tdm_score_challenge "250"

// SD
set scr_sd_bombtimer "45"
set scr_sd_defusetime "5"
set scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_sd_multibomb "0"
set scr_sd_numlives "1"
set scr_sd_planttime "5"
set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0"
set scr_sd_roundlimit "0"
set scr_sd_roundswitch "3"
set scr_sd_scorelimit "4"
set scr_sd_timelimit "2.5"
set scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0"

// SAB
set scr_sab_bombtimer "30"
set scr_sab_defusetime "5"
set scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
set scr_sab_hotpotato "0"
set scr_sab_numlives "0"
set scr_sab_planttime "2.5"
set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5"
set scr_sab_roundlimit "0"
set scr_sab_roundswitch "1"
set scr_sab_scorelimit "1"
set scr_sab_timelimit "20"
set scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0"


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// Call of Duty Health Bar
// show healthbar
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable (with or without COD4 health regen system)
set ex_healthbar "1"

// Call of Duty MAX Health Setting
//Set Max Health for players - Hardcore setting 30
//scr_player_maxhealth "100" 

// Health regeneration
// Use health regeneration
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_healthregen "1"

// Use this to override the behaviour of the health regeneration system
// 0 = implements IW's "flmykmodd" model (default)
// 1 = implements IW's "intended" model
// 2 = implements "healing regen limits" model
// 3 = implements "healing regen limits" and "pain"
//set ex_regenmethod "1"

// Bleeding (use when healthregen is off)
// when a player is hurt, you can make them bleed, possibly to death!
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_bleeding "1"

// start bleeding when health falls to and below?
// min = 1, max = 99 (default 50)
//set ex_startbleed "20"

// how much health can the player bleed through?
// 0 = disable
// 1 - 100 = health points (default 50)
//set ex_maxbleed "50"

// bleed message on screen
// 0 = left, above compass (default)
// 1 = centre screen
//set ex_bleedmsg "0"

// bleeding pain sounds
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_bleedsound "1"

// bleeding shellshock
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_bleedshock "0"

// Firstaid system
// set the ammount of first aid kits issued
// 0 = disable first aid system
// 1 - 9 = kits issued (default 2)
set ex_firstaid_kits "1"

// players can heal themselves. If disabled they can only heal teammates
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_firstaid_self "1"

// minimum heal in health points
// min = 0, max = 99 (default 50)
//set ex_firstaid_minheal "50"

// maximum heal in health points (set higher then mininum!)
// min = minimum health points, max = 100 (default 100)
//set ex_firstaid_maxheal "100"

// if the player's health if 100%, allow dropped firstaid kits to be picked up and
// added to the players medi kits, you can set the threshold for from 1 - 9 kits,
// i.e. if this is set to 5, if the player has 6 medi kits, it won't add another unless
// the number of kits he has falls to 4. This option requires firstaid_drop to be enabled!
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 - 9 = pickups
set ex_firstaid_pickup "2"

// when a player is killed, make them drop a first aid kit
// If pickup is disabled, dropped kits will heal a player when the player's
// health is below 100%.
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_firstaid_drop "1"

// Fall damage modifiers
// enable fall damage modifiers
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_falldamage_enable "1"

// fall damage MIN height in ft
// min = 5, max = 9999 (default 5)
set ex_falldamage_min "25"

// fall damage MAX height in ft
// min = falldamage_min, max = 9999 (default 10)
set ex_falldamage_max "50"


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// End-of-game voting extension
// Global switch for end-game map voting -- MapVoting must be OFF for CTF, CTFB, and HTF
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_mapvote "1"

// Maximum number of maps allowed in voting system
// It doesn't have to match the number of maps you have in the rotation or
// in the map list (config\_ex_votemaps.gsc). This is to cap the voting
// system to a certain number of maps to vote for.
// min = 10 (one page), max = 160 (sixteen pages, default)
set ex_mapvote_max "160"

// The way maps are presented in map voting system
// For options 2 and 3, see related settings in maprotation.cfg
// 0 = normal rotation -- unchanged (default)
// 1 = normal rotation -- random
// 2 = player based rotation -- unchanged
// 3 = player based rotation -- random
// 4 = based on config\_ex_votemaps.gsc -- alpha sorted
// 5 = based on config\_ex_votemaps.gsc -- random
set ex_mapvote_mode "5"

// Time allowed for voting maps in seconds
// min = 10, max = 180 (default = 30)
set ex_mapvote_time "20"

// Time allowed for voting game type in seconds (mode 4 and 5 only)
// min = 10, max = 180 (default = 10)
set ex_mapvote_time_gt "10"

// Make last candidate an option to replay the same map
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
//set ex_mapvote_replay "1"

// Map vote memory
// Omit maps from the map vote list until they are freed again.
// Enabling this will disable the map replay feature automatically.
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_mapvote_memory "1"

// Map vote memory capacity
// The capacity of the memory is key factor in determining how long a map is
// omitted from the map vote list.
// Having a game time of 20 minutes and a memory of 3 maps, it will take one
// hour for the map to be available again.
// min = 2 (if you want only 1, you can simply disable the replay feature)
// max = 160 (auto-cap to 2/3 of number of maps on server, default 3)
set ex_mapvote_memory_max "3"

// Bypass clan voting for the end-game voting system only (all players can participate)
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_mapvote_ignore_clanvoting "1"

// Possibility to exclude stock games from the map vote systems.
// WARNING: only remove stock maps if you don't have any of them in the map
// rotation, and you don't want to call a vote for them either.
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable         //must be ENABLED for CTF, CTFB, and HTF
//set ex_mapvote_ignore_stock "1"

// Map enviroment settings
// Gravity in percent
// Default gravity is 100. 90 makes gravity 10% less
//set ex_gravity "10"

// Game speed in percent
// Default game speed is 100%. 90 makes game speed 10% less
//set ex_speed "100"

// Intermission scoreboard time  //Longer Intermission is needed to Create Custom Classes
set scr_intermission_time "5" 


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// Server and admin name
set ex_servername "^1X5 ^3e^1X^3treme ^2Warfare"
set ex_adminname "^7"

// Welcome messages (for clan welcome messages see clancontrol.cfg)
// welcome player
// 0 = disable
// 1 - 5 = number of messages (default 2)
set ex_welcomemsg "1"

// delay between welcome messages in seconds
// 0 = no delay
// 1 - 10 = delay in seconds (default 1)
//set ex_welcomemsg_delay "1"

// welcome messages
// &&1 will be replaced by the player's name (only message 1)
set ex_welcomemsg_1 "Welcome &&1"
set ex_welcomemsg_2 "^7to the ^3e^1X^3treme^1 X5^7 server"
set ex_welcomemsg_3 "^3*LIVE BETA* ^7Testing"
set ex_welcomemsg_4 "Please play respectfully and fair"
set ex_welcomemsg_5 "Enjoy your stay!"

// Server messages
// set the number of messages to be displayed
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 - 10 = messages
set ex_servermsg "10"

// delay between server messages in seconds
// min = 1, max = 120 (default 30)
//set ex_servermsg_delay_msg "30"

// pause before displaying server messages
// if looping is enabled, half the main delay if before the first message, and half
// of it after the last one.
// min = 60, max = 900 (default 60)
//set ex_servermsg_delay_main "60"

// loop messages?
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_servermsg_loop "1"

// Server messages
set ex_servermsg_1 "Server Message 1"
set ex_servermsg_2 "Server Message 2"
set ex_servermsg_3 "Server Message 3"
set ex_servermsg_4 "Server Message 4"
set ex_servermsg_5 "Server Message 5"
set ex_servermsg_6 "Server Message 6"
set ex_servermsg_7 "Server Message 7"
set ex_servermsg_8 "Server Message 8"
set ex_servermsg_9 "Server Message 9"
set ex_servermsg_10 "Server Message 10"

// display next map and/or next game type
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = map only
// 2 = gametype only
// 3 = map and gametype
//set ex_servermsg_info "3"

// display map rotation
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_servermsg_rotation "1"

// Server rules
// Set the rules to be displayed by including the rule number in the string
// If you only want rules 2, 4 and 6 set ex_serverrules "246"
//set ex_serverrules "12345678910"

set ex_serverrule_3 "DO NOT EXPLOIT MAP GLITCHES"
set ex_serverrule_4 "PLAY RESPECTFULLY AND FAIR"
set ex_serverrule_6 "DO NOT KILL UNARMED PLAYERS"
set ex_serverrule_7 "NO ROAMING and NO BACKING UP TO MAKE A KILL"
set ex_serverrule_9 "NO CLOSE COMBAT"
set ex_serverrule_10 "NO CROSSING"

// Teambalance messages
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_show_teambalancemsg "1"

// Set the time for AutoBalance in seconds
set ex_balance_time "5"

// eXtreme+ mod info (bottom right corner) In Hardcore Mode bottom center
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_modinfo "1"

// MOD messages (No more then 3 messages)
//set ex_mod_message_1 "Powered by ^1X4 ^3e^1X^3treme ^2Warfare"
//set ex_mod_message_2 "For Server information..."
//set ex_mod_message_3 "Visit www.clanfun.co.uk"


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// Battlechatter control
// global battlechatter switch
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_battlechatter "1"

// switch specific sounds on or off
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_battlechatter_reload "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_fragout "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_flashout "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_smokeout "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_concout "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_c4 "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_claymore "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_kill "1"
//set ex_battlechatter_casualty "1"

// players can hear their own callout
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_battlechatter_self "1"

// Call Vote control
// 0 = disable (g_allowvote is not controlled by X5) (default)
// 1 = enable mode 1. callvote disable, then enable after delay
// 2 = enable mode 2. callvote disable, then enable for x seconds, then disable again
// 3 = enable mode 3, callvote disable, then enable for x seconds, then disable for x seconds, and cycle
set ex_callvote_mode "0"

// Delay the availability of the callvote feature when the game starts
// 0 = disable, no delay
// 1 - 9999 = seconds to wait (default 60)
set ex_callvote_delay "120"

// Wait for a minimum number of players before starting the delay timer
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 - 64 = players to wait for
//set ex_callvote_delay_players "0"

// Seconds the callvote feature will be available (mode 2 and 3)
// If delay is enabled, the timer will start after delay
// 30 - 9999 = seconds to wait (default 120)
//set ex_callvote_enable_time "120"

// Seconds the callvote feature will be disabled (mode 3)
// 30 - 9999 = seconds to wait (default 300)
//set ex_callvote_disable_time "300"

// Show messages about the callvote status
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable, show only enable messages
// 2 = enable, show delayed and disabled messages
// 3 = enable, show all messages (default)
//set ex_callvote_msg "3"

// Livestats!
// show number of alive players in each team
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_livestats_dm "0"  // Off in Free for All
//set ex_livestats_htf "0"  // Off in Hold The Flag
set ex_livestats "1"

// Logo HUD system: clan image
// Show extreme logo. Can be used to show custom clan image.
// Image must be named "clanlogo.iwi" and copied into the "images" folder of the
// client side iwd file (materials file "clanlogo" in mod.ff assumes this name).
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_logo "1"

// Image X (horizontal) position on screen.
// min = 0, max = 640, default = 600
//set ex_logo_posx "570"

// Image Y (vertical) position on screen.
// min = 0, max = 480, default = 120
//set ex_logo_posy "80"

// Image X (horizontal) dimension in pixels.
// min = 0, max = 512, default = 80
set ex_logo_sizex "120"

// Image Y (vertical) dimension in pixels.
// min = 0, max = 512, default = 80
set ex_logo_sizey "120"

// Image transparency.
// min = 0, max = 9, default = 0
//set ex_logo_transp "0"

// Loop time for fading effects (seconds)
// 0 = disable (always on)
// 1 - 3600 = time to pause after fading out (default 120)
//set ex_logo_looptime "60"

// Time to pause between fade in and fade out (seconds)
// min = 1, max = 3600, default = 10
//set ex_logo_fadewait "10"

// Announcements Sounds
// players connecting/disconnecting sound
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_plcdsound "0"

// first kill per game/round
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_firstblood "1"

// time announcer (time remaining and score)
// 0 = disable
// 1 = clock changes colour with time announcements
// 2 = clock colours stays white
set ex_announcer "0"

// announce time (audio)
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_antime "1"

// announce score (text)
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_anscore "0"

// Range finder
// show range when aiming down sight
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_rangefinder "1"

// set unit of measurement for range
// 0 = metres
// 1 = yards (default)
//set ex_rangefinder_units "1"

// only show for scoped weapons
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_rangefinder_scopesonly "0"


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// Command Monitor
// 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, default = 0
set ex_cmd_monitor "1"

// 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled, default = 0
//set ex_cmdmonitor_models "1"

// The following is for informational purposes only. Do NOT uncomment!
// Commands available from RCON. To use type /rcon set COMMAMDLISTEDBELOW #
// where # is client number from rcon status.
// To affect all players use -1 as client number

// EXAMPLE: /rcon set torch 2  (will torch player in client slot 2)

// set tree #                turns the player into a Tree
// set chicken #             turns the player into a Chicken
// set sodamachine #         turns the player into a Soda Machine
// set tombstone #           turns the player into a Tombstone
// set toilet #              turns the player into a Toilet
// set piano #               turns the player into a Piano
// set original #          turns the player back to Original
// set warp #                shoots the player into the air (while displaying server rules)
// set lock #                locks a player inplace
// set unlock #              unlocks the player from place
// set suicide #             kills a player
// set smite #               blows up a player
// set torch #               torches a player and kills them
// set fire #                sets a player on fire. player can move. fire will not kill player
// set spank #               spanks a player by going prone, shellshock, disable weapons for 15 seconds.
// set arty #                throw artillery on player.
// set fryem #               zap the little bugger with an ION cannon
// set endmap #              end the map and move on to the next one
// set disableweapon #       disables the player weapons
// set enableweapon #        enables the player weapons
// set switchplayerallies #  switches a player to allies
// set switchplayeraxis #    switches a player to axis
// set sayall msg            display a message on lower left of HUD
// set sayallcenter msg      display a message on screen center
// set sayallbig             display a message in ticker tape center

// You can apply commands to a whole team
// To set teams you MUST do the team cvar BEFORE doing any of the commands above.
// WARNING: do NOT use the "set team" command for switchplayerallies or switchplayeraxis!

// set team allies
// set team axis

// Name Checker
// This is a small routine which is launched by the mod at the start of every game.
// It monitors player names for Unknown Soldiers if Unknown Soldier handling is enabled, and it
// monitors names for duplicates. If it finds two that match, it renames the second player to
// Unknown Soldier, which forces the player to change his name to something else (for duplicate
// names it will start the Unknown Soldier handling code regardless of the ex_uscheck setting)
// disable = 0
// enable = 1 (default)
//set ex_namechecker "1"

// The Name checker will hand over the player to the Unknown Soldier handling code.
// Define if you want this procedure to include the initial warning and wait time, or if the code
// should immediately rename the offending player to a (clan) quest name.
// disable = 0
// enable = 1 (default)
//set ex_ncskipwarning "1"

// Unknown Soldier handling
// If players join your server as Unknown Soldier, the mod will ask them to change their name.
// If they refuse to comply, the mod will assign a new name.
// disable = 0
// enable = 1 (default)
//set ex_uscheck "1"

// What the mod will do after the first warning, depends on the ex_usclanguest setting.
// When enabled, Unknown Soldiers are handled as clan guests (final name from ex_usclanguestname)
// When disabled, they are handled as non-clan guests (temporary name from ex_usguestname, they
// get a second chance to change their name. If they don't, the mod will punish them).
// disable = 0 (default)
// enable = 1
//set ex_usclanguest "0"

// New name for clan guests. You can include your own clan tag.
// A number will be added automatically.
// default = "Guest#"
//set ex_usclanguestname "^7{CLAN^7}_^3Guest_#^2"

// New name for non-clan guests. Be creative.
// A number will be added automatically.
// default = "UnacceptableName#"
//set ex_usguestname "I-Must-Change-My-Name#"

// The mod will ask the player to change his name, wait, and rename the player.
// Set the number of seconds the mod should wait before assigning a new name.
// min = 20, max = 60 (default 30)
//set ex_uswarndelay1 "30"

// After assigning non-clan quest names, they get a second chance to change their name.
// Set the number of seconds the mod should wait before punishing the player, by randomly freezing
// them, and drop or disable their weapon.
// This function is not available when using clan guests.
// min = 20, max = 120 (default 30)
//set ex_uswarndelay2 "30"

// The punishment routine can loop several times and then allow them to play as normal.
// Once they die this process will repeat itself, until they change their name!
// Set how many times the player will be punished before letting them off the hook.
// This function is not available when using clan guests.
// min = 1, max = 999 (default 5)
//set ex_uspunishcount "5"

// Anti Camping System
// time before being warned to move on for players not using a sniper rifle in seconds
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 - 300 = seconds
//set ex_campwarntime "30"

// time in seconds before being punished for camping! (non snipers)
// min = campwarntime+5, max = 600 (default campwarntime+10)
//set ex_campobjtime "40"

// time before being warned to move on for players using a sniper rifle in seconds
// 0 = disable (default)
// max = 600 = seconds
//set ex_campsniper_warntime "300"

// time in seconds before being punished for camping! (snipers)
// min = campsniper_warntime+5, max = 1200, (default = campsniper_warntime+10)
//set ex_campsniper_objtime "320"

// duration of punishment
// 0 = disable (no punishment)
// 1 - 300 = seconds (default 20)
//set ex_camptimer "20"

// camper punishment
// 0 = random (default)
// 1 = marked on compass
// 2 = made to fart
// 3 = blown up
// 4 = shellshock
// 5 = shellshock & disable weapon
//set ex_camp_punish "0"

// Close Killing System
// Close kill will suicide a player if they shoot another under so many yards
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_close_kill "1"

// Set yardage here
// 0 = disable
// 40 - 999 = yards (default = 40)
//set ex_kill_yards "50"

// Obituary Messages
// 0 = disable (off, but still does stats)
// 1 = stock obituary with stats
// 2 = stock obituary with stats and personal sound
// 3 = stock obituary with stats and personal message
// 4 = stock obituary with stats, personal sound and personal messages (default)
// 5 = eXtreme+ obituary with stats
// 6 = eXtreme+ obituary with stats and personal sound
// 7 = eXtreme+ obituary with stats and personal messages
// 8 = eXtreme+ obituary with stats, personal sound and personal messages
//set ex_obituary "8"

// set unit of measurement for range
// 0 = metres
// 1 = yards (default)
//set ex_obitunit "1"

// Extended Obituary Messages & Counters  0 = Off 1 = On (default 0)
// Knife Kill Counter -- Left lower screen messages
set ex_show_bash_count "0"

// Headshot Kill Counter -- Left lower screen messages
set ex_show_head_count "0"

// Grenade Kill Counter -- Left lower screen messages
set ex_show_nade_count "0"

// Knife Kill Counter -- Center screen messages
//set ex_show_bash_bold "1"

// Headshot Kill Counter -- Center screen messages
set ex_show_head_bold "1"

// Grenade Kill Counter -- Center screen messages
set ex_show_nade_bold "1"

// Reward system for Headshot Kills
// 0 = Off (default)
// 1 = On
set ex_headshot_reward "1"

// Points to be award to a player that gets a Headshot
// 0 = min (default)
// 99 = max
set ex_headshot_points "10"

// Reward system for Knife Kills
// 0 = Off (default)
// 1 = On
set ex_melee_reward "1"

// Points to be award to a player that kills with a Knife
// 0 = min (default)
// 99 = max
set ex_melee_points "1"

// Stats HUD system: Player Statistics
// Personal Player Statistics with 2 options for displaying
// Deaths, Kills, Score, Headshots, and Kill/Death ratio
// One stat is displayed at a time, fades out and then fades in the next stat
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_hud_stats "1"

// Position X (horizontal) on screen.
// min = 0, max = 640, default = 632
//set x_hud_stats_xpos "630"

// Position Y (vertical) on screen.
// min = 0, max = 480, default = 172
set ex_hud_stats_ypos "176"

// Press the USE key to get a drop down display of all your stats
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_hud_stats_use "1"

// Position X (horizontal) on screen.
// min = 0, max = 640, default = 630
//set ex_hud_stats_use_xpos "630"

// Position Y (vertical) on screen.
// min = 0, max = 480, default = 215
//set ex_hud_stats_use_ypos "215"

// Long Shot Record display
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_longshot_stats "0"

// Long Shot Record Fade in and out
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_longshot_fadestats "0"


Code: Select all
// Spawn protection
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 - 120 = protection in seconds
set ex_spawnprot "30"

// Invisible spawn. Players are invisible while spawnprotected
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_spawnprot_invisible "1"

// disable weapon while spawnprotected
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_spawnprot_noweapon "1"

// force crouch on spawn
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_spawnprot_force_crouch "1"

// Parachute players
// 0 = disabled (default)
// 1 = once for each map
// 2 = roundbased: never parachute in after matchstarts
// 3 = always
//set ex_parachutes "1"

// Only attackers parachute (0 = no, 1 = yes) (default 0)
//set ex_parachutes_only_attackers "0"

// Protect parachuters from damage?
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = protected while dropping down and weapons disabled
// 2 = weapons enabled and protected while dropping down until fire or bash button is pressed (default)
set ex_parachutes_protection "1"

// Limit altitude (0 = no limit max = 6000) (default 2000)
// Some maps have a really high sky and not using a limit could mean
// parachuting for 30 seconds or more before landing.
//set ex_parachutes_limit_altitude "800"

// Forced auto-assign
// This feature allows you to disable team selection, only leaving auto-assign
// on the team selection menu
// For mode 2 see clancontrol.cfg for clan specific settings.
// 0 = disable - no auto-assign (default)
// 1 = enable  - force auto-assign for all players
// 2 = enable  - force auto-assign for non-clan players
set ex_autoassign "2"

// Automatically select team for players in autoassign mode 2
// Set the team YOUR CLAN will be playing on. Clan members will be assigned this
// team, and non-clan players will be assigned the opposite team automatically.
// Setting this to "allies" or "axis" will enable autoassign_noswitch mode 2.
// WARNING: This feature will DISABLE team balancing!
//set ex_autoassign_clanteam "allies"

// Forced clientside dvars
// This feature allows you to control the clientside dvars
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable, force once (default)
// 2 = enable, force every 5 seconds
set ex_forcedvar_mode "2"

// Grenade indicator
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_forcedvar_nadeindicator "1"

// Crosshairs
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_forcedvar_crosshair "1"
//set ex_forcedvar_redcrosshairs "0"
//set ex_forcedvar_crosshairnames "0"   

// Friendly Names
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_forcedvar_drawfriend "1"

// Hint for climbing walls and fences
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_forcedvar_mantlehint "0"

// Realism options
// death sounds, played when players die
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_deathsound "1"

// chance of getting death sounds
// 0 = disable
// 1 - 100 = percentage (default 90)
//set ex_deathsound_chance "90"

// pain sounds, played when players get hurt!
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_painsound "1"

// chance of getting pain sounds
// 0 = disable
// 1 - 100 = percentage (default 90)
//set ex_painsound_chance "90"

// drop weapon on hand or gun hit
// percentage setting 0 - 100, default = 0
//set ex_droponhandhit "100"

// drop weapon on arm hit
// percentage setting 0 - 100, default = 0
//set ex_droponarmhit "100"

// trip on leg hit
// percentage setting 0 - 100, default = 0
//set ex_triponleghit "100"

// Trip on foot hit
// percentage setting 0 - 100, default = 0
//set ex_triponfoothit "100"

// Jump height limiter
// Can be useful against bunnyhopping
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_jumpheight "1"

// Height in feet
// min = 1, max = 10 (default 2)
set ex_jumpheight_max "5"

// Stance monitor
// Prone/Jump shoot delay monitor
// when the player goes prone or jumps, their weapon is disabled for a brief moment.
// This stops the dive bombers and bunny hoppers on your server!
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = monitor prone only
// 2 = monitor jump only
// 3 = monitor prone and jump
set ex_stancemon "2"

// Jump shoot delay sensitivity
// Adjust the sensitivity of the shoot stance weapon delay, so that it will only
// pause your weapon if you jump or go to prone, and not when you go over a small
// rock or bump on the map. Higher is less sensitive.
// min = 0, max = 10, default = 5
set ex_stancemon_threshold "8"

// Bob factor
// player bob factor. No more gliding when you walk/sprint
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_player_bobfactor "1"

// Body Search
// Body search, if set to 1 you can search bodies for weapons, grenades, health
// even more...if you set a weaponclass not to be allowed to be dropped on death you can carry 2 main weapons
// you must be crouch or prone over a dead body before you can search by holding your USE key
// works best if you dont allow nades and weapons to be dropped
// 0 = Off (default)
// 1 = On
set ex_bodysearch "1"

//disabe/enable bodysearch hint icon
// 0 = Off
// 1 = On (default)
set ex_show_searchicon "1"

//set the body search time
// min = 1
// max = 10 (default = 3)
//set ex_search_time "5"

//gear rattling sound when bodysearch
// 0 = Off
// 1 = On (default)
set ex_bodysearchsound "1"

//bodysearch messages if no health or weapons are found
// max = 20 messages
// leave blank ("") if you want them not to show
set ex_searchmsg1 "You found nothing"
set ex_searchmsg2 "You found the meaning of life"
set ex_searchmsg3 "You found clean socks"
set ex_searchmsg4 "You found a beer"
set ex_searchmsg5 "You found a deck of cards"
set ex_searchmsg6 "You found a Playboy"
set ex_searchmsg7 "You found a bra..size 48DD"
set ex_searchmsg8 "You found panties"
set ex_searchmsg9 "You found a pack of smokes"
set ex_searchmsg10 "You found a cig lighter"
set ex_searchmsg11 "You found my broken pen"
set ex_searchmsg12 "You found the lint in your belly button"
set ex_searchmsg13 "You found my coffee cup"
set ex_searchmsg14 "You found a used condom"
set ex_searchmsg15 "You found BinLaden's dirty laundry"
set ex_searchmsg16 "a g-string"
set ex_searchmsg17 "You found a new lifeform"
set ex_searchmsg18 "You found Clintons cigar"
set ex_searchmsg19 "You found a puppy"
set ex_searchmsg20 "You found nothing"

// Sink dead bodies
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_bodysink "1"

// number of seconds to leave body on the field until the dead body sinks away
// min = 5
// max = 99 (default time set at 15)
set ex_bodysink_time "60"

// Bullet holes
// if a player gets hit, you can have a bullet hole appear on their hud
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enabled
// 2 = enabled with fade after 5 seconds
// 3 = enabled with fade after 10 seconds
// 4 = enabled with fade after 15 seconds
set ex_bulletholes "1"

// Bloody Screen
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_bloodyscreen "1"

// Blackscreen on Death
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_blackscreen "0"

// Revive players?  Don't know what this does
set scr_player_allowrevive "1"
set g_revive "0"
set revive_time_taken "2"

// Health Issues
set scr_player_healthregentime "5"
set scr_player_maxhealth "100"

// Number of lives
set scr_player_numlives "0"

// Respawn Settings
set scr_player_forcerespawn "1"
set scr_player_respawndelay "0"
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0"

// Sprint Settings
set scr_player_sprinttime "4"

// Suicide point loss
set scr_game_suicidepointloss "0"

// TKers
set scr_teamKillPunishCount "3"
set scr_team_artilleryTeamKillPenalty "0.25"
set scr_team_kickteamkillers "0"
set set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty "0"
set scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum "0"
set scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1"
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20"

// Batttle Chatter Settings
set scr_allowbattlechatter "1"
set bcmp_incoming_grenade_probability "50"
set bcmp_kill_inform_probability "50"
set bcmp_killstreak_incoming_probability "50"
set bcmp_perk_call_probability "50"
set bcmp_sniper_kill_probability "25"
set bcmp_toss_grenade_probability "50"
set bcmp_weapon_delay "2000"
set bcmp_weapon_fire_probability "90"


Code: Select all
// Compass
// compass objective pointers
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_objicons "1"

// compass plane pointer
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_planes "1"

// compass friendlies ping
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_friendlyping "1"

// compass player ping
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_playerping "1"

// compass enemies ping (only when they fire)
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_compass_enemyping "1" 

// compass enemies ping for uav (radar enabled map)
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_uavenemyping "0"

// compass enemies ping for tactical map (ingame menu map)
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_compass_tacticalenemyping "0"

// compass enemies ping for full screen map (selecting location for airstrike)
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_compass_fsmenemyping "1"

// HUD
// low health overlay
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_hud_lowhealth "1"

// mantle hint (how to climb ladders, walls and fences)
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_hud_mantlehint "1"

// cursor hint
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_hud_cursorhint "1"

// invalid commands hint
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_hud_commandhint "1"

// hold breath hint
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_hud_holdbreathhint "0"

// stance indicator
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_hud_stance "1"

// local voice status
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_hud_localvoice "0"

// remote voice status
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
set ex_hud_remotevoice "0"

// messages for stock obituaries (mode 1 - 4)
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
//set ex_hud_obituaries "0"

// Stance icon/messages
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_hudStanceHintPrints "1"

// Fading of the Stance icon/messages
// 0 = disable (default)
// 1 = enable
set ex_hud_fade_stance "1"

// XP Progress Bar bottom of screen
// 0 = Off
// 1 = On
set ex_hud_xpbar "0"
// Field icons
// floating objective pointers
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_field_objicons "1"

// death icons
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable (default)
//set ex_field_deathicons "1"


// General Parms for mod...
// units for all distances INGAME Distances ONLY
// 0 = Metres
// 1 = Yards
set ex_extreme_units "0"

// X5 Crouch enforement
// 0 = Disabled\
// 1 = Standard PRM
// 2 = PRM with run speed inhibitor
set ex_antirun "0"

// STD PRM, run upto a specified distance, when rested for rest period run distance regenerated
// Speed inhibitor causes the player to reduce to a slower run, then to a walk, run not allowed until rundistance restored.

// Distance to run 1 to 9999 specifically in ex_loolmod_units
set ex_antirun_distance "30"

// display message to all other players
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = enabled (Default)
set ex_ForceCrouch_Msg "0"

// Disable player weapon on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_WeaponDisable "1"

// black out screen for player on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_BlackScreen "0"

// Type of punish for second offense
// 0 = None (Default)
// 1 = Shellshock - No Noise
// 2 = Shellshock - Artillary Noise
// 3 = Freeze
// 4 = suicide
// 5 = Kick
// 6 = Ban
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishType "2"

// Time to Punish player on run punish 1 - 25 seconds
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishTime "10"

// 1st line of Message to display in center of screen only to player
set ex_ForceCrouch_Punish1 "^3ADMIN^7: ^1No Running!!!"

// 2nd line of Message to display in center of screen only to player
set ex_ForceCrouch_Punish2 "^4Move in Crouch or Prone Only!!"

// Message to all other players that this player was running - not message will be prefixed with player name.....
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishMsg " ^1 is running"
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishText "Punished for running Shell Shock for 10 Seconds";

// Anti run mod escalation parameters - not on rest time punish only on run punish...
// 0 Disabled, no escalation
// 9 upto nine levels of escalation
set ex_antirunEscalation "9"

// Add escalation number to end of name to use as escalation punish for this level..
// number of offenses for this escalation to occur
// NOTE: if this is zero this level will be ignored!
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishLevel1 "3"

// Disable player weapon on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_WeaponDisable1 "1"

// black out screen for player on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_BlackScreen1 "0"

// Type of punish for second offense
// 0 = None (Default)
// 1 = Shellshock - No Noise
// 2 = Shellshock - Artillary Noise
// 3 = Freeze
// 4 = suicide
// 5 = Kick
// 6 = Ban
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishType1 "3"

// Time to Punish player on run punish 1 - 99 seconds
// if Ban then minutes to ban (Note 99=indefinitely)
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishTime1 "10"

set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishMsg1 " ^1 is still running!!"
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishText1 "Still running? FREEZE for 10 seconds";

// Punish Level 2

// Add escalation number to end of name to use as escalation punish for this level..
// number of offenses for this escalation to occur
// NOTE: if this is zero this level will be ignored!
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishLevel2 "6"

// Disable player weapon on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_WeaponDisable2 "1"

// black out screen for player on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_BlackScreen2 "0"

// Type of punish for second offense
// 0 = None (Default)
// 1 = Shellshock - No Noise
// 2 = Shellshock - Artillary Noise
// 3 = Freeze
// 4 = suicide
// 5 = Kick
// 6 = Ban
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishType2 "4"

// Time to Punish player on run punish 1 - 99 seconds
// if Ban then minutes to ban (Note 99=indefinitely)
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishTime2 "10"

set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishMsg2 " just doesn't learn that running is not allowed!!"
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishText2 "Running again huh? Time to die!!"

// Punish Level 3

// Add escalation number to end of name to use as escalation punish for this level..
// number of offenses for this escalation to occur
// NOTE: if this is zero this level will be ignored!
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishLevel3 "8"

// Disable player weapon on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_WeaponDisable3 "1"

// black out screen for player on run punish
// 0 = disabled (Default)
// 1 = enabled
set ex_ForceCrouch_BlackScreen3 "0"

// Type of punish for second offense
// 0 = None (Default)
// 1 = Shellshock - No Noise
// 2 = Shellshock - Artillary Noise
// 3 = Freeze
// 4 = suicide
// 5 = Kick
// 6 = Ban
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishType3 "5"

// Time to Punish player on run punish 1 - 99 seconds
// if Ban then minutes to ban (Note 99=indefinitely)
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishTime3 "10"

set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishMsg3 " has been kicked for excessive running!!"
set ex_ForceCrouch_PunishText3 "Don't understand huh? You're outta here!!!"

// repeat for each level of escalation....
// The following parms have been defined
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Postby Mr. Mac » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:21 pm

I can join now :D

I intend to live forever - so far so good.

When the only tool you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail.

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Postby Dutchman » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:44 pm

Blimey, that is a long read... :P

Will have to sort out my "cough-cough" copy of CoD:WaW though, as I cannot run the multiplayer (it simply crashes upon start-up). May need to try a different version, or cough up the money. I wouldn't mind doing the latter if there were enough of us playing on a regularly crowded server (like Mayhem is now)
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Postby Cpt.Miller » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:52 pm

was going to ask you that as it has just been patched with the 1.2 patch. :D

How was the mod download?

And dd you read the whole post above? I think i was close to beating Keiser on the biggest post but not sure :lol:
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Postby Mr. Mac » Thu Feb 12, 2009 5:57 pm

i downloaded it at my full speed, so no problem there

& yep Kaiser is going to need a lot of writing to catch up with u on this one :lol:

EDIT: i can bring console down, i seen its disabled, i would change that since fov is def 65 & im used to playing on 80,
& maybe get rid of that bunny hop protection ( i mean lots of ppl complain about bunny hopping but i don't see it as bunny hop if u use it only once & not all the time when someone is shooting at u)

ofc if its possibe :)

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Postby Mr. Mac » Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:02 pm

ok here we go :)

shorten spawn protection --- done
console ----- done

maybe sniper need to be normal with breath moving & without additional zoom ---> just my opinion
ok it needs more time at the end so the ppl have time to sort out their classes
& disable vote in game, loads off ppl will abuse it (this is not for vote at the end of the map ;) )

nice job jamie

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Postby Cpt.Miller » Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:43 pm

Thanks Mac,

Snipers are now normal, no more jump and loose weapon, voteing is off for in game voteing(was only ment to be on for clan members to call a vote) as for end of game time timit what do you think would be a good setting?

Hopefully Dutchman will get his CoD5 sorted and be able to offer a few more suggestions, go on you want to nag ;)
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Postby Mr. Mac » Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:59 pm

Default is 30 sec, imo too many because we got voting at the end, i think 15 sec would be ok


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Postby Dutchman » Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:28 pm

I can nag without having played a single second on the server, Jamie, and will do if you really want me to :P

I will try n sort this, although it will most likely mean I've got to hunt down a different 'version', but I know one that seems to work for my brother (even tho he's WinXP and I'm Vista)
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