
Games such as RTCW, Call of Duty, Quake ect.

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Postby Svarvsven » Fri Nov 14, 2003 12:28 am

A lot of tricks for RTCW / RTCW ET is available on (it used to be called 4dummies but due to legal issues it changed)...

I promised Hordak to dump my svarv.cfg here. Please do "exec svarv.cfg" - or whatever name u choose to save it with - in all ur autoexec.cfg that can exist (check the link above to know what I'm talking about). In another reply I might go into detail about my keyboard-layout since it's not standard. Anyway here it is (and btw, no I don't use that class-selection scripts much but it took some time to write it though):

// RAM settings
seta com_hunkmegs 200
// Defines how much RAm your PC reserves for ET.
// If you have 512 mb RAM, you can safely choose a value of 200.
seta com_soundmegs 32
// Defines, how much RAM your PC reserves for the sound of ET
// 32 is ok if you have 512 mb RAM

// Network Settings for DSL, Cable and other broadband connections
seta com_maxfps "76"
seta cl_maxpackets "60"
seta snaps "40"
seta rate "25000"

// Clients can log too!
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
seta cg_textNotify "1"
seta g_logSync "2" //console log - 0=no log 1=buffered 2=continuous 3=append
seta g_log "etserver.log"
seta logfile "2" // Console logging ( 1: enable 2: enable and sync )

// scripts

// Wide-/narrow-script
Set wide "cg_fov 120;set togglefov vstr narrow; echo fov_wide"
Set narrow "cg_fov 90;set togglefov vstr wide; echo fov_narrow"
Set togglefov "vstr wide"

// Sprint jumping script
set sj "+sprint; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; +moveup; wait; -sprint; wait; -moveup"
set sj1 "bind SPACE vstr sj; set nextjump vstr sj2; echo ^2Speedjump Enabled"
set sj2 "bind SPACE +moveup; set nextjump vstr sj1; echo ^1Speedjump Disabled"
set nextjump "vstr sj1"

// Replay-script
set demostop "set demotoggle vstr demostart; stoprecord"
set demostart "set demotoggle vstr demostop; autorecord"
set demotoggle "vstr demostart"

// Class-selection scripts

// class selection, allied
set a-medic "team b 1 8; echo Selected Alice, Medic with SMG"
set a-field "team b 3 8; echo Selected Alice, Field Ops with SMG"
set a-engin "team b 2 8; echo Selected Alice, Engineer with SMG"
//set a-cover "team b 4 33; echo Selected Alice, Covert with FG42"
set a-panze "team b 0 5; echo Selected Alice, Soldier with Panzer"
//set a-machi "team b 0 31; echo Selected Alice, Soldier with Machinegun"
//set a-flame "team b 0 6; echo Selected Alice, Soldier with Flamer"

// class selection, axis
set b-medic "team r 1 8; echo Selected Axel F, Medic with SMG"
set b-field "team r 3 8; echo Selected Axel F, Field Ops with SMG"
set b-engin "team r 2 8; echo Selected Axel F, Engineer with SMG"
//set b-cover "team r 4 33; echo Selected Axel F, Covert with FG42"
set b-panze "team r 0 5; echo Selected Axel F, Soldier with Panzer"
//set b-machi "team r 0 31; echo Selected Axel F, Soldier with Machinegun"
//set b-flame "team r 0 6; echo Selected Axel F, Soldier with Flamer"

// class selection
set da-medic "set currclass vstr a-medic; set currnext vstr da-field; set currteam vstr db-medic; echo Choosed Alice, Medic with SMG"
set da-field "set currclass vstr a-field; set currnext vstr da-engin; set currteam vstr db-field; echo Choosed Alice, Field Ops with SMG"
set da-engin "set currclass vstr a-engin; set currnext vstr da-panze; set currteam vstr db-engin; echo Choosed Alice, Engineer with SMG"
set da-panze "set currclass vstr a-panze; set currnext vstr da-medic; set currteam vstr db-panze; echo Choosed Alice, Soldier with Panzer"

set db-medic "set currclass vstr b-medic; set currnext vstr db-field; set currteam vstr da-medic; echo Choosed Axel F, Medic with SMG"
set db-field "set currclass vstr b-field; set currnext vstr db-engin; set currteam vstr da-field; echo Choosed Axel F, Field Ops with SMG"
set db-engin "set currclass vstr b-engin; set currnext vstr db-panze; set currteam vstr da-engin; echo Choosed Axel F, Engineer with SMG"
set db-panze "set currclass vstr b-panze; set currnext vstr db-medic; set currteam vstr da-panze; echo Choosed Axel F, Soldier with Panzer"

set currnext "vstr da-field"
set currclass "vstr a-medic"
set currteam "vstr db-medic"

bind o "vstr currnext"
bind p "vstr currclass"
bind k "vstr currteam"

// standard keys
unbind q
bind q "weaponbank 4" // slot 4
unbind e
bind e "weaponbank 5" // slot 5
unbind mouse4
bind mouse4 "weaponbank 6" // slot 6
unbind mouse5
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 4; wait 120; +attack; -attack; wait 30; weaponbank 2; weaponbank 3"
unbind z
bind z "weaponbank 7" // slot 7
unbind r
bind r "+reload"

unbind j
bind j "vote yes" // vote yes
unbind n
bind n "vote no" // vote no

unbind i
bind i "mp_fireteammsg" // fire-team quick chat

// function keys
unbind F1
unbind F2
unbind F3
unbind F4
unbind F5
unbind F6

bind F1 "Say_team <-- medic packs available here"
bind F2 "Say_team <-- ammo packs available here"
bind F3 "vsay_team AllClear"
bind F4 "vsay_team Incoming"

bind F5 "vsay_team Defendobjective"
bind F6 "vsay_team Destroyprimary"
bind F7 "vsay Goodgame"
bind F8 "vsay Negative"

bind F9 "vsay Cheer"
bind F10 "vsay Thanks"
bind F11 "vsay FTMortar"
bind F12 "vsay FTAttack"

// (separate) numeric keys

bind KP_SLASH "ready"
bind * "vstr demotoggle"
bind KP_MINUS "vstr togglefov"

bind KP_HOME "+leanleft" // lean left
bind KP_PGUP "+leanright" // lean right

bind KP_PLUS "vstr nextjump"

// (separate) movement keys
bind Pause "screenshot"

bind Del "Kill"
bind Home "exec svarv.cfg;echo Loading..."
bind End "toggle cg_atmosphericeffects; echo rain/snow on/off"
bind PgUp "VoiceChat Hi"
bind PgDn "voiceChat Bye"

That's it

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Keyboard layout

Postby Svarvsven » Fri Nov 14, 2003 12:40 am

Yes, this is about my keyboard layout. If u did follow the link then u saw a total keyboard layout enhancement. When I started, I didn't know about autoexec.cfg so I prepared to do as little changes as possible (and repeating the process of defining the keys manually, whatever machine I wanted to play on). And that part still works.

I was thinking that 1-3 is within reach and 4-7 was not. This is keys that I wanted to use at any moment while playing the game, whatever class I played.

And I play with W - S (forward, backward), A - D (left - right). I wanted keys near that.

Leaning, I don't do much of that. So I had two keys directly Q and E (and I moved leaning somewhere else, I still can lean). I neede more and Z is available in standard settings. The last position I found on my 5 button mouse, the 4th key (I do have something on my 5th key now but I can't manage to press that while playin...don't ask me why).

So I had my 4 keys to put 4, 5, 6 and 7 on. That's all the changes I did to they keyboard. The rest is mostly shouting to all or the team (yes and to reload svarv.cfg, kill myself and turn on/off rain for servers that accept that setting and a few more I rarely use).

Hope it helps for someone (and yes, I do laugh when I c people scrollin the 1-7 keys with the scrollable mouse-button...they die while

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Postby mazza » Fri Nov 14, 2003 11:47 am

/me is lost.......n00b :lol:

Postby junkster » Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:18 pm

And this years longest post award goes to..........................


Congratulations m8. :D :D :D

PS I'm a noob too.
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Postby Svarvsven » Sat Nov 15, 2003 6:27 am

>And this years longest post award goes to..........................

Yes, I know. I'm not done yet though. I got RTCW recently and modified it until it worked. This is really shorter! Have FuN... (now, I'm done...I think)

// RTCW MultiPlayer

seta com_maxfps "76"

// Clients can log too!
seta cg_drawNotifyText "1"
seta cg_textNotify "1"
seta g_logSync "2" //console log - 0=no log 1=buffered 2=continuous 3=append
seta g_log "rtcwserver.log"
seta logfile "2" // Console logging ( 1: enable 2: enable and sync )

// standard keys
unbind q
bind q "weaponbank 4" // slot 4
unbind e
bind e "weaponbank 5" // slot 5
unbind mouse2
bind mouse2 "weapalt"
//RTCW doesn't know about mouse4
//but mouse can be configured anyway...thanks CptDarling!
unbind z
bind z "weaponbank 7" // slot 7
unbind r
bind r "+reload"

unbind j
bind j "vote yes" // vote yes (swedish Ja)
unbind n
bind n "vote no" // vote no (swedish Nej)

// (separate) numeric keys

bind KP_SLASH "ready"

bind KP_HOME "+leanleft" // lean left
bind KP_PGUP "+leanright" // lean right

//bind KP_PLUS "vstr nextjump"

// (separate) movement keys
bind Pause "screenshot"

bind Del "Kill"
bind Home "exec svarv.cfg;echo Loading..."
bind End "toggle cg_atmosphericeffects; echo rain/snow on/off"

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