Having an issue getting my sig to show in my forum posts....

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Having an issue getting my sig to show in my forum posts....

Postby jcket » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:11 am

Well as the title says.....

I am trying to add this :Image

To my sig within my edit profile page. It seems to be saving it but not showing it in my posts....

Have i missed something, do i maybe ahve to check a box, although i have check that box saying show my sig in forum posts...but no change,

Can some one please help

Thanks in advance

My kindest regards

jcket :D


Oh....It works.....Must just from now on...I mean i checked previous posts but it wasnt showing....

Thanks any ways....Can someone remove this waste of time please...:D lol
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Postby Dutchman » Mon Sep 24, 2007 7:53 pm

Reason it won't show in your previous posts, is because the "Attach signature" box was most likely not ticked. Which makes sense when you've not got a signature, but does confuse some when they do add a signature later on :wink:
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